Am I An Auditory Learner?

Wondering if you're an auditory learner? Or are you more visual? It's time to find out, so you know exactly how to go about the learning process. It can solve so many issues!

Tags: Education, Learning, Learning-Style, Study

Here are all the results with descriptions

An Auditory Learner
You like to talk, you even talk to yourself. You love music and singing, and you're super extroverted. Discussions make you happy. You also lose concentration easily, and definitely can't focus when it's noisy. You're most certainly an auditory learner!

A Kinesthetic Learner
You move around a lot, and prefer not to sit still. You move while studying, and you prefer to do the things, rather than read about them. In fact, you hate reading. You rather be thrown into doing the thing, and learning as you go along. That's why you're not afraid of trying new things!

A Visual Learner
Your thoughts wander during lectures, and despite being observant, you miss what's said a lot. Instead, you're super organized, and you love to read and stay concentrated. You're excellent with charts and diagrams, and visual directions. Even your handwriting is beautiful!