Political Spectrum Quiz

Are you just dipping your toe into politics? Or perhaps you are seasoned in politics and are just curious where exactly you fall of the political spectrum. Either way taking this quiz will help you discover where you fall!

Tags: Politics, Political, Personality, Republican, Democrat

Here are all the results with descriptions

Far Right
You are very conservative and feel strongly about issues involving morality. You feel the government should not over regulate business or its people. In most cases you value government spending on defense and other similar issues rather than on social issues.

You are overall conservative. You value your religion and the believe that fiscally the government should be an uninvolved as possibly. The issues you feel most strongly about are most likely gun rights and being pro-life.

Leaning Right
You are a mix of both a liberal and a conservative. There are many issues that you ride the fence on, perhaps leaving you a bit confused on where you fall and which party you belong to. However, this quiz suggest that while your views ride the middle you lean slightly more to the right!

Leaning Left
You find yourself rather perplexed on which side of the political spectrum you fit in on as you agree with certain topic from each side or don't feel as extreme on certain topics as others. However, your answers imply that you lean more towards being a liberal.

Your main focus in politics is social issues. You care about immigration laws, gender equality, race/ethnicity equality, women's rights, health care, climate change and many more social justice issues that plague our country. You are also for government regulations on businesses!

Far Left
You believe the government should heavily regulate businesses and should be more involved in the peoples; lives. You also champion many social justice issues and try to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities.