Japanese Culture

How much do you really know about Japanese culture? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with this tricky, yet insightful quiz! Prove your knowledge, if you can.

Tags: Culture, Knowledge, Travel

Here are all the results with descriptions

No Knowledge of Japanese Culture
You do not know anything about Japanese culture, it seems like. But don't let this low score deter you. There's always room for improvement. Why not try making a Japanese friend? Or watching anime? Or better yet, diving into a travel show centering on Japan? You can learn a lot that way!

Poor Knowledge of Japanese Culture
You have very little knowledge of Japanese culture. That means you have never been, and certainly don't watch a lot of travel shows. The good news is that you know more than some, so it's a good starting point. Starting fresh, still. Time to go explore some sushi, maybe?

Passable Knowledge of Japanese Culture
You know enough about Japanese culture so as to not be left behind or confused. You can teach people a thing or two, although not much. Still, it's enough knowledge to at least be able to keep up decently in conversation. And that's more than most. Congratulations! Now maybe learn a bit more?

Good Knowledge of Japanese Culture
You know quite a bit about Japanese culture, congratulations! Maybe you've been there, or maybe you've seen a lot of travel shows centering on Japan? Anime, manga, and sushi exploration also help. But if you want to be an expert, you'll have to do better than that!

Super Expert Knowledge of Japanese Culture
You have super expert knowledge of Japanese culture! You probably watch a lot of anime, maybe you've read some manga, or even travelled to Japan before. It's entirely possible you just read a lot of books about Japan, and watch many travel shows and documentaries about the country. Whatever your approach is, it's working!