How To Stop Gambling?

Gambling can be a powerful addiction, but you can definitely stop this habit if you apply the advice you learn by taking this useful and effective online quiz!

Tags: Gambling, Addiction, Casino

Here are all the results with descriptions

visit an addiction counselor
Gambling is as strong an addiction as drugs or alcohol. This addiction often has its roots in other issues such as depression, anxiety issues, or insomnia. So seeing a professional is a great idea even if you don't think you are an addict.

replace your gambling habit with a good habit
When you are bored or idle, you will be tempted to gamble again. So, exchange gambling with a positive habit such as taking a class, learning a language, or planting a garden. Developing good habits isn't risky; they will always pay off in the end!

get rid of your gambling buddies
Birds of a feather flock together. As long as you hang out with people who practice what you want to avoid, you will never be successful. Try to make new friends that don't gamble or ask your friends to support you by making quitting gambling a team effort.

look at the long-range effects of quitting
In the end, what counts is how many times you get up again. Don't worry about minor setbacks. If you keep working at your goal, you will eventually be successful. Focus on making improvements and view relapses as learning experiences.

Included in the Our Father, one of the most famous prayers, is 'lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. ' In modern words, the prayer asks for you to be able to overcome temptations. However, you have to work in harmony with your prayers by avoiding tempting situations and watching who you hang out with.

join a support group
You don't have to do it alone! There are support groups, like Gamblers Anonymous, that can help you to fight the urge to gamble. If you can't make meetings in person, look for an online forum to receive encouragement and helpful tips.