How High Maintenance Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely High Maintenance
You are extremely high maintenance. You have a tendency to over dramatize and put a high emphasis on how you look. You will often take a large amount of time preparing yourself to leave the house. Often mulling over outfit choices for over an hour, over thinking every possible situation you might encounter while wearing it.

Totally High Maintenance
You are totally high maintenance. You have a tendency to be a bit emotionally needy and dramatic. You can over emphasize simple or minor situations, turning them into something a bit more complex and harrowing.

Somewhat High Maintenance
You are somewhat high maintenance. While you have a tendency to overreact, your high maintenance status comes from your habit of over emphasizing the importance of how you look. You can spend hours just getting ready, feeling slighted if someone tries to interrupt your process.

A Touch High Maintenance
You are touch high maintenance. You're not extremely dramatic, but you do enjoy the drama of others. You often involve yourself in the terse situations of others, reveling in drama, and often gossiping to fuel the flames. You are t total girly girl who enjoys the finer things in life and absolutely detests anything dirty or of ill repute.

Low Maintenance
You are completely mellow. You don't have a high maintenance bone in your body. You tend to avoid drama at all costs and don't mind getting a bit dirty every once and awhile. You're totally chill with running out the grocery store in sweatpants and don't tend to overemphasize how you look.