How To Look Good?

Of course, you want to look good. But how? This short quiz will give you the best personalized advice ever on how you can change your look for the better!

Tags: Beauty, Looks, Attractiveness, Beautiful, Attractive

Here are all the results with descriptions

get more rest
Beauty sleep is not an urban legend. Sleeping gives your body a chance to repair itself and fight off sicknesses. So, try to go to bed at a reasonable hour and you will see a big difference in how you look and feel!

wear the right clothes
The right clothes for you have nothing to do with trends or current fashions. You need to find out which clothes flatter your figure and stick to those styles. Enlist the help of a stylist if necessary!

Happiness is attractive and contagious. If you have the attitude of a sour pickle, you will look less attractive to others no matter how beautiful or handsome you are. So, think of something happy, shake off minor annoyances, and smile!

practice good posture
Pull in your tummy muscles taut and keep your back and neck straight to practice good posture. Doing so will make you look younger and more confident which results in sending a more attractive signal to the world.

reach a healthy weight
Being underweight or overweight can affect your health, your confidence, and your overall attractiveness. So, eat healthy food, get a good rest at night, and exercise regularly to reach a healthy body weight.

work on your self-confidence
If you feel confident, you will look more attractive to others. Practice confident eye contact, good posture, and keep your hair out of your eyes. If necessary, change your negative thoughts to positive ones so you can feel good about yourself.