Gardening Quiz For Children

How much do you know about gardening? Do you know a lot about flowers, and plants, and dirt? Find out how much you know about gardening by taking this fun quiz!

Tags: Boy, Girl, Children, School, Gardening, Farming, Farm, Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Plants, Water

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are a gardening newbie
You don't know very much about gardening yet, but the beginning is always a great place to start! There are lots of books for kids about how to get started gardening. And, even if you don't have much of an allowance, seeds are still cheap! There are packets at the grocery store that cost less than a dollar!

Know a little bit about gardening
You are already on your way to being a gardener. You know a little bit about it and now you can learn even more. Gardening can be really fun. And you learn other things while you're doing it, too. Like which plants ladybugs and butterflies like and how much help earthworms are!

Are a gardener
There is a lot more you can learn about gardening but you already know enough to be a gardener. You might even already have worked in a garden. Do you have your own garden all to yourself? Maybe you can ask an adult to let you have your own flowerbed or vegetable patch!

Really good at gardening
You know a lot about gardening! Have you grown your own vegetables and flowers? Have you started growing your own fruit yet? Most climates will support some sort of fruit plant like strawberries or blackberries. Happy Gardening!

A green thumb
You are an expert at gardening! You probably know more than a lot of adults about gardening. You might even consider growing up to be a gardener. There are a lot of careers in gardening like: landscape architect, landscape designer, flower farmer, vegetable farmer, fruit farmer, and more!