How Insightful Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Insightful
Your family and friends often comment on how perceptive and thoughtful you are because you're able to read a situation or another person and know just how to respond to him or her. You have a great quality, my friend.

Sometimes Insightful
You have times of deep perceptiveness when your ability to be insightful can even surprise yourself. Take full advantage of these moments and use them to better yourself and your life.

Always Deep Thinking
You enjoy reflecting on your life, on where you've been, and on what you're going to do. Being able to self-reflect is a great quality. Just be sure not to get your head lost in the clouds!

Periods Of Deep Though
Sometimes you're very insightful, and other times, you like to live spontaneously and leap before you look, so to speak. The right balance between these two is what you should aim to achieve!

Lives In-The-Moment
Instead of thinking deeply all the time, you prefer to live in the moment and take life as it comes. Sometimes this free-spirited, spontaneous attitude makes life even more beautiful.