Horse Quiz

Do you think that you know everything there is to know about horses? Maybe you have your own horses or your just passionate about the animal. Take this quiz to find out if you know as much as you think you do!

Tags: Horse, Animal, Pony, Mustang

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Horses
There isn't one single thing about horses that you know. You couldn't even get one question right here. You may want to start considering being passionate about something else because this just isn't the category for you.

Very Little About Horses
We're kind of surprised you even took this quiz because you don't know very much about horses. You only got a few questions correct, and that could have been sheer luck. It's time to hit the horse books if you want to become a pro!

Some About Horses
You answered about half of these questions right, so if we had to give you a grade on this horse quiz, it would be around a C. It's not terrible, but you're definitely not a horse master. Keep working at it; you'll get there.

A Lot About Horses
There are only a couple of questions that you missed here, but you sure do know a lot about horses! You could brush up a little bit maybe in a couple of areas to become a horse master. There should be no shame about what you already know though. Way to go!

Everything About Horses
You made it to the top of the list and got every single question right! Way to go you horse master you. We know that if anyone around you has questions about this beautiful animal, you know everything there is to know.