How Easily Scared Are You?

Are you as brave as a lion or as timid as a mouse? Take this simple quiz to find out now!

Tags: Personality, Behavior, Psychology, Temper

Here are all the results with descriptions

Completely Fearless
You have a backbone made out of steel and a bionic heart. Nothing--and we mean nothing--freaks you out. You probably work in a hospital ER or as a firefighter or a police officer. Or maybe you're in the military. You're the kind of person we all want next to us in a crisis!

You are one tough cookie. It takes a lot to frighten you. If you are ever scared, you never show it. You don't let yourself give in to panic. You stay strong and look after yourself and those around you.

Sure, you might be a little freaked out in some situations. But you never let fear stop you. You tough it out. You work through it. You fight your fears and come out on the other side, stronger than ever!

Somewhat Fearful
Of course you have anxieties and concerns, but who doesn't? And you try really hard not to let them take over. You're cautious, sure, but you're also a grown-up, and you definitely know how to look after yourself. Or, at least, you can fake it when you have to!

A Scaredy-Cat
You tend to frighten easily. You've got a bit of an overactive imagination--that's the problem. You can usually stay calm, though, and figure out how to deal with your fears. However, if there's someone braver around, you'll totally rely on them.

A Total Chicken
You are very easily spooked. You have a very overactive imagination, and unfortunately, you are always imagining the worst! You're right to avoid scary movies and television shows--they'll only freak you out even more. And let someone else be in charge of killing spiders!