How Do People Perceive Me?

Do you ever wonder how people perceive you as when they first see you? Take this quiz to find out!

Tags: People, Think, Think, Man, Woman

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't care about you
You're too shy and introverted that you just fade into the crowd. They don't particularly hate you, but they don't like you either. If you want to be a little more popular, get out there more, and make friends. I know it might be hard, but trust me, you'll be glad you did!

Are jealous of your looks
You're a very good looking girl/guy! So good looking in fact that people are jealous of it sometimes. Sometimes you may take this the wrong way, and think people just don't like you, but just realize it's probably them and not you! You may notice that people often look at you, and they look away when you catch them! This is a sign that they were staring at you, but they also might've just been looking around the environment. Don't let this go to your head, you should always be humble and kind to everyone, no matter how good looking you are!

Are interested in being your friend
People think you're a pretty good person and many may be interested in being your friend. You seem like a nice and kind person to them, and want to be a part of your life! And maybe you should consider becoming friends with them as well. Hey, it really couldn't hurt you know? !

Think you're weird
You have a different way of doing things that people think is weird. Although this may be true, you shouldn't fake your personality just to please other people. Sometimes being weird is a good thing, you don't have to be ordinary! Be yourself, and you'll be just fine.