Soulmate Quiz

How close are you to meeting your soulmate? Maybe you've already met them? Let's find out! Take a quick quiz to see how close you are to meeting your one true love.

Tags: Relationship, Soulmate, Love, Boyfriend, Girlfriend

Here are all the results with descriptions

Sitting right next to you
Sounds like you've already met your soulmate! Your one true love can easy be a close friend or someone you see frequently. Don't be surprised if someone makes a move on you soon. It won't be obvious, because this person knows you and doesn't want things to get weird, so go with the flow and let the magic happen!

Right around the corner
Your soulmate is closer than you think! You may run into them in the most unexpected way, hopefully physically bump into them and have a classic how we met story. Do you believe in love at first sight? This might be how it happens for you! And even if you don't, we'll make a believer out of you!

Stuck In Traffic
Your soulmate is having GPS issues, but don't worry, they're coming to you. While they may take the scenic route, this is the perfect time to daydream about their arrival. They say if you think about something hard enough, it'll come to you. Focus on your soulmate and hopefully they're close enough to feel you thinking about them and come straight to you. Be patient!

On the way, but don't hold your breath
Your soulmate is a little busy at the moment and maybe you should be too! While they're coming soon, they still have a ways off before they get to you. Don't fret, this gives both of you time to tie up loose ends (and maybe cut off a few) before you two meet. You're not quite ready for each other yet so the universe is holding off, and for good reason.

Missing In Action
Sorry to break it to you, but they're not thinking about you, and you shouldn't be thinking about them! You both have a lot of living to do before you find each other. Sow those wild oats and have the time of your life. When you find each other, you'll both have many stories to tell!

Lost at sea
Maybe you'll meet your soulmate in this lifetime, maybe you won't but in any case, you'll always be filled with so much love! You are inspired but others' love stories and fairy tales. You know that love takes time and it'll be awhile before you have one of your own. In the meantime, have fun, stay hopeful and be ready for the love story of a lifetime!