What Is Your Ideal Work Environment?

Wondering what your ideal work environment is? Then it's time to ask the questions that may help clear that up once and for all. What you do with the information is up to you!

Tags: Work, Career, Office, Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

You enjoy the idea of working in your pj's, using your own coffee maker, saving money by making your own food during your lunch break, and turning the TV on for background noise. Or just being able to listen to some awesome music without headphones. You would actually be more productive for it. Not only would no one be around to bother you, you'd be in a happy work environment, rather than at a draining one with a terrible commute. There's always software to keep in touch with coworkers anyway.

A Traditional Office
You are a traditional person. You very much enjoy the atmosphere of a traditional office. And that means you want to work in a place with bad fluorescent lighting, cubicles, and a water cooler. You want your boss and coworkers to walk by every now and then. You want to have your own little corner of the office where you can put up a picture of your family and friends. Or your pet. And you want to be able to step out of the office for lunch.

A Hip Office
You want to work in an office, but not the traditional kind. No, think startup. Think creative! As in there's skateboards on the wall, being used as shelves to hold ivy plants. There's a fondue fountain in the kitchen. And there's shag carpet in the gaming room. That's right, the break room is called a game room, and there's video game consoles and arcade machines in there. Oh, and did we mention there's a plethora of food options all around to order from? Get it delivered, company's expense.

Out In the Elements
You are not cut out to work indoors. You have before, maybe even still do now, but you hate every minute of it. Being indoors means being enclosed, with bad lighting, and annoying people all around you. But out there? In the elements? You get a gorgeous view, strange people watching, fresh air, and the ability to just step away and enjoy some silent solitude should you want/need it. Think of jobs like park ranger, extreme sports instructor, or construction.

A Laid Back Atmosphere, Probably In A Store
Most people would say they want to get a degree, get work experience, and get a high-paying job at an office. You know, work their way up. But you're not them. In fact, you're comfortable working in retail, because you don't mind people, and you like the work, especially if the store is fun! This laid back atmosphere is your dream. Being able to step out for a bite during lunch, going back to a buzzing store, full of awesome items and displays.