How Young Do You Really Act?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You typically act as if you are eighteen years old! You possess an effervescence and jubilant youthfulness that makes you positively glow. You still see the world as filled with wonder and opportunity and rarely air on the side of cynicism.

You typically act as if you are twenty one years old! It's not that you're not mature, you're just youthful at heart. You love to have fun, socialize, and be around others as much as possible. You love to try new things and see life as a constant and never ending adventure. We love your boldness and enthusiasm!

You typically act as if you are twenty five years old! You possess the experiences of a twenty five year old while maintaining a youthful sense of optimism. You may be a bit impulsive at times, but that's only because you're determined to make every day count.

You typically act as if you are 30 years old! At age 30, most people are optimistic but cautious. They've been through enough to know that life isn't always peachy keen, but they also know to make every moment count. You handle every situation in life with grace, wisdom, and youthful hope.

You typically act as if you are forty years old! You're whip smart, classy and knowledgable on all fronts. You know that impressions count and always put your best face forward. You're never unkind or coy, you always say what you mean and mean what you say. Others find you to be refreshing and magnetic!