What Do Your Friends Think Of You?

What Do Your Friends Think Of You? Take this short quiz to find out! Also, make sure to answer honestly, this quiz could help you with friend problems or what you need to better so your friends will appreciate you more. Or it could be telling you to keep up the good work! Now, go take this quiz, find out what your friends think, and go hang out with them!

Tags: Friends, Friend, Relationship, Relationships, Think

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Joyful Friend
Your friends think that you are always happy and encouraging! Your friends love to be around you because you are always smiling and giving great ideas!

The Tempered Friend
Your friends think that you are not such a great friend. You can get angry at them very easily. You care more about other things rather than them.

The Adventurous Friend
Your friends think that you are very daring and exciting! You are always trying new things and exploring! They also think that you are very kind and helpful.

The Silent Friend
Your friends think that you are very quiet. You never really suggest ideas and you never really care about what they say. You never tell them anything. Sometimes you just walk away from the group.