Can You Sing A Song?

Wondering if you can really sing a song? Maybe you think you have the skills, but your friends call you tone deaf? It's time to really put it to the test.

Tags: Singing, Music, Talent, Skills, Musical

Here are all the results with descriptions

Sing Beautifully
You sing on key, following every note like honey. And you know your lyrics too. You don't fumble words, or hum parts you can't sing easily. You go all in and succeed every single time, because you've likely been singing for years. Maybe you had practice when you were younger, and have kept it up since?

Kind Of, Sort Of Sing
You are okay at singing. You know some songs better than others. The ones you do know by heart, you're decent at singing. But see, you don't have the ability to hit every note faithfully. There are some mistakes here and there.

Sing Very Poorly
You cannot sing to save your life. You are always off-key, and you've been accused of being tone-deaf. And the lyrics? You often hum parts you don't know. And sometimes, you get the lyrics entirely wrong, essentially guessing what comes next. Ouch.