Are You A Sissy?

Has anyone every called you a sissy? It may have taken you a bit by surprise, especially if you don't think it's true. Find out if you really are a sissy by taking this quiz!

Tags: Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Not a Sissy At All
According to this quiz, there is absolutely nothing about you that makes you a sissy. In fact, you are on the exact opposite of the spectrum of being a so-called scaerdy-cat. Clearly, you are someone that shouldn't be messed with!

Not Really Much of a Sissy
There might be just a couple of things about you that would put you in the sissy category, but for the most part, you're doing just fine with your level of toughness. Don't let anyone else tell you anything different either!

Kind of a Sissy
When it comes to being a sissy, according to your own answers to this quiz, we would have to say that you kind of are. Maybe there are a few things that freak you out, but that's nothing to be ashamed of.

Maybe a Decent Amount of Sissy
You actually have a decent amount about you that we would say makes you a sissy. You aren't a full-blooded baby by any means, but you aren't the toughest one on the block either. You could probably stand to try and be a little less afraid once in a while.

Pretty Much a Sissy
For the most part, you are pretty much a sissy. Everything seems to put you a bit on edge, and we're guessing that you have a lot of things that frighten you. Face your fears head on, and you might be surprised at what changes you see.

100% Sissy
Well if you are getting tired of hearing people calling you a sissy, it's something that you should probably get used to. That is unless you really start making some changes. Everything about you makes you a sissy. It's time to get a little bit stronger!