How Healthy Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Healthy
You’re extremely healthy! You’ve done the research and you’ve implemented the plans. Not only do you eat healthy, exercise, and practice gratitude, but you spread joy! Spreading joy is the easiest way to stay healthy and motivated.

Very Healthy
You’re very healthy! It’s clear that you pride yourself in making good choices for you and your family. You not only exercise and eat a balanced diet, but you do things for your mental health as well. From meditation to gratitude, you know that wholeness is the true path to a healthy life.

Average Health
As far as health is concerned, you’re on par with most Americans! You eat healthy when you can and always try to find time to exercise. While you’re not perfect (who is), you make amazing strides at living a fully balanced life.

Somewhat Healthy
You are somewhat healthy! Like so many of us, you strive to make good choices, but healthy food and exercise isn’t always easy! Time constraints and obligations can often making eating healthy almost impossible. What’s important is that you try!

A Little Unhealthy
You are a little unhealthy! Listen, we get it, we love cupcakes and streaming Netflix too. Unfortunately it’s not the key to a healthy life. Enjoy indulgences in moderation and strive to make choices that lead to total wholeness and health. You’ll be better for it in the end!