How To Make Out With A Guy?

Wondering how to make out with a guy? Well, surprisingly, you can learn the ropes by taking this quiz! Weird, right? We promise we'll be of help though, we do.

Tags: Women, Men, Dating, Relationships, Kissing

Here are all the results with descriptions

Use Less Tongue
You're using WAY. TOO. MUCH. TONGUE. So, stop it. Keep it in your own mouth for a change. It's hot at times, sometimes, when the mood is right and you two can't get enough of each other. But when all you do is play tonsil hockey, and the guy isn't doing it back, that's a sign he might not be into the tongue thing. Take the hint!

Use Less Saliva
You're using way too much saliva, and it's gross, so please stop it. If you're a woman, it's probably really smearing your makeup and getting it all over him, so no. Stop it. Stop it right now. If you're a man, then you're still essentially slobbering all over him. And if facial hair is involved, even worse.

Stop With the Lip Biting
Seriously, lip biting isn't as sexy as movies make it out to seem. You're playing with danger every time. Imagine doing it too hard, because you're so passionate, and uh. . . no. That could really go wrong in a split second. Maybe do it less! Or just stop doing it.

Use Your Hands
You're quite a good kisser already, you're just full of self-doubt. So, be confident! And you know what shows confidence? Kissing a guy and using your hands to touch the sides of his face, or the back of his head. Or even just his hair. That's sexy, it's hot, and it shows him you're really feeling it.