What Do Your Clothes Reveal About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Intelligent
Your wardrobe choices and preferences show that you value education and harbor a love for learning. Your clothes reveal that you are intelligent.

You're Confident
Your wardrobe choices and preferences show that you know how to stand up for yourself and earn respect. Your clothes reveal that you are confident.

You're Angelic
Your wardrobe choices and preferences show that you are sweeter than most and give your time freely to those in need. Your clothes reveal that you are angelic.

You're Laid-Back
Your wardrobe choices and preferences show that you value your free time and are not at all high maintenance. Your clothes reveal that you are laid-back.

You're Adventurous
Your wardrobe choices and preferences show that you are a thrill seeker who doesn't hold back. Your clothes reveal that you are adventurous.