What Are You Afraid Of?

Are you scared all type of things? Or are you scared of absolutely nothing? Take this short quiz to find out ONE thing you are scared of! Remember, do not take this quiz seriously, It is for fun only!

Tags: Fear, Ghosts

Here are all the results with descriptions

Out of all things to be afraid of, you chose fire. Hopefully there won't be any fires anytime soon!

Are you afraid of bugs? Don't worry, probably not as afraid as your friend! She probably would SCREAM very loud if she saw an ant, maybe even call pest control. . .

Getting lost
The thought of even being lost in your house makes you cry! Don't worry, you can prevent this by staying with your family!

Natural disasters
Hey, I get it! Tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes etc. give you goosebumps. Watching the new about this makes you worry a lot!

Having kids
Hm, I get it, your not really a kid person, you think kids are over rated. Maybe you can get over that fear or . . . . have a billion cats?

Closed Starbucks
You like Starbucks a lot, you get very excited when fall comes around. . . because. . . I mean, Pumpkin spiece lattes! You would die if Starbucks closed down forever!