What Vitamins Should I Take?

With so many vitamins out there, how do you know which ones you need to take? This health quiz will determine the right vitamins for you based on your lifestyle.

Tags: Vitamins, Health, Healthy, Eating, Body

Here are all the results with descriptions

a multivitamin
Thirteen vitamins and about 16 minerals are considered essential. If you eat super healthy, you can get most, if not all, from your diet. But if you aren't really strict, you would do well to take a multivitamin from a reputable brand.

Children, adolescents, and adults aged 50 and over need to make sure that they have enough calcium in their diet. Besides dairy, dark green leafy vegetables and some canned fish, such as salmon or sardines contains it. If that doesn't sound like your diet, you may consider calcium supplements.

Women, especially while pregnant or menstruating, are more likely to have iron deficiencies than men. However, men with certain health problems may also need iron. Taking vitamin C along with iron and taking iron on an empty stomach will help your body process it most efficiently.

Vitamin C
During flu and cold season, or when you feel under the weather, vitamin C can support your immune system. Vitamin C also helps maintain youthful-looking skin. The recommended daily intake is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.

Probiotics help your body produce and process vitamins. Studies indicate probiotics may reduce diarrhea caused by antibiotics and the number of colds you have in a year. You should ask your doctor before you start taking probiotics, especially if you have serious pre-existing conditions.

In an article, a registered nutritional therapist said that anyone chronic inflammatory conditions, problems with anxiety or depression, high stress levels, cognitive decline, diabetes, a history of coronary heart disease, or ADHD should consider taking an Omega-3 supplement.