What Is My Secret Power?

It's not a superpower, it's a SECRET power. One that you have that no one else knows about. So what is it? Take the quiz and find out what your secret power is!

Tags: Women, Men, Boy, Girl, Adult, Children, Fun, Entertainment, Healing, Power, Secret

Here are all the results with descriptions

You might not be able to hear what other people are thinking. You do, however, instinctively know what they are thinking. You might even finish people's sentences for them or know when they're about to call or text.

You have prophetic dreams even if you don't always know they're prophetic until after something happens. That's when you know what different elements of your dream symbolized. Ever have deja vu? Ancient cultures believed that deja vu happened only because you were remembering the dream that foretold the event you are now experiencing.

Astral travel
You are the person that can be two places at once. Maybe you even have a doppelganger. But, it's more likely that most of your astral travel happens in your dreams or daydreams. Have you ever been somewhere and thought you'd been there before? You probably astrally projected there in one of your dreams.

Healing touch
Your love and caring often come out through your touch. Loved ones come to you for comfort. Sometimes they don't even know why they want to be around you but it might be because they need to spiritual or physical healing.

Don't think you can move things with your mind? Think again! You move people and things out of your way all of the time. Have you ever told a red light to change and it happened? Wanted someone to move out of the way and they did? You've got telekinesis!

Yes, that's right - you're a shapeshifter! It happens in secret. Like, when you're at a party and you don't want someone to see you and they walk right by without even noticing. Or when you're speeding and you pass a cop and you get away with it.