What Eye Color Fits Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

While you may see this rare eye color as black, in reality it's actually a very dark brown. These eyes show off mystery and intuition. People with black eyes are very trustworthy and are bound to take your secrets to the grave.

These striking eyes captures people's attention within seconds. They always look joyful yet mysterious, like they have a secret you can't possibly know. People with green eyes are curious individuals and are always the first to take part in something new.

While this eye color is extremely common, it's also very interesting. People with brown eyes are confident and attractive. They are creative and positive people who seem to always have a smile on their face. People with brown eyes are great lovers and extremely loyal.

When you see blue eyes, you can't help but get lost in them. There is something so interesting and intriguing about blue eyes. People with blue eyes are peaceful and full of life. They have no trouble with meeting people and usually end up creating long-lasting relationships.

People with grey eyes are serious and hark-working people. They have excellent leadership skills and aren't afraid to take charge in a situation. They are also very gentle people and will show abundant amounts of love to the people they care about.