Friendzone Quiz

Do you have a chance at love or are you stuck in the friend zone? Take a few moments to answer these interesting quiz questions right now, and you will find out!

Tags: Friend, Buddy, Relationship, Dating

Here are all the results with descriptions

definitely in the friend zone
You have a pretty awesome friendship going on! So, although you are in the friend zone, it's really not a bad place to be! Why not embrace it and work on strengthening the bond you have with your buddy?

are not in the friend zone
Being in the friend zone would be an improvement on where you really are! You are not even considered a best friend of the one you like. Work on your relationship as friends first before you even think about beginning a romantic relationship! because you are not even a friend.

in the friend zone, but with a chance of getting out
You are definitely in the friend zone, but there's light at the end of the tunnel! You are a cherished and special friend and if you just get your sexy game on and do some serious flirting, you just might be able to work your way to where you want to be!

almost in the friend zone
You are teetering on the edge of the friend zone. It's cool to be comfortable around your buddies. However, if you ever want to take your relationship to the next level, you will need to make sure that you look and act like a catch!

probably in the friend zone
The results are inconclusive. You definitely have a great friendship going on, but there's evidence of a little spark between you and your friend. If you really care about the person and want to make a serious attempt at a relationship, you might have to make the first move!

definitely not in the friend zone
Any thought you have about being in the friend zone need to be banished immediately! You are not in the friend zone. Repeat! You are not in the friend zone. If you have feelings for your friend go for it!