Where Should I Go Next?

Have you've been trying to figure out which Vacation to go on next well this quiz will answer all your questions from pets to the food.

Tags: Fun, Time, Quiz

Here are all the results with descriptions

Paris you should go to Paris because there is a lot of adventure and the activities for adults.

You love the ocean and the clear waters and you need a luxury vacation but watch out for the sharks.

You don't need a big vacation Seattle has a gum wall and a camp kaoa not too far its also very adventurous place.

Vancouver, Canada
You need your vacation to have no trash and nice people and expensive stores go to Vancouver, Canada it has the nicest people and expensive stores for handbags and clothes.

New York
New York is the perfect place is you want to get snow in the winter it gets really cold but they have the statue of liberty and 5 star restaurants.

Stay home
You just went on Vacation stay home and relax.