Southern Gentleman Names

Are you having a baby? Writing a story? Do you want a traditional Southern boy's name? Use this Southern Gentleman name generator to find the perfect name!

Tags: Boy, Man, Southern, Tradition, Family, Baby, Names

Here are all the results with descriptions

Garland Dandridge
Garland is everything his parents hoped he would be. He was first in his school, excelled in sports at Daddy's alma mater, did his duty to his country, and is now being groomed to take over the family business.

Nathaniel Clement
He's called Nathan by his friends. Friends that Mother and Daddy aren't fond of. Nathan does want the entrapments of his familial duties and would rather seek his fun off the golf course. He has a wild streak that will probably lead him more to success than to failure.

Spencer Millican
Spencer is of that class of Southerner that is very wealthy but you wouldn't know it to meet him on the street. He never flaunts his wealth. The sound of it is there in his name, which he often introduces himself as simply 'Spence'.

Calvin Lauder
Calvin is a mystery to many a Southern lady that would like to get to know him better. Unfortunately, his business interests keep him traveling and away from any woman that wants a commitment. But, if his mother has anything to say about, he will be getting serious about starting a family sooner than later.

Montgomery Sullivan
When Montgomery is in the midst of business he's very serious. When he's with friends, people call him Monty or Sully, depending on the crowd. He's a strong man with integrity and is loved by many in his community.

Jean Devereaux
It's pronounced 'jon' rather than 'jeen'. His great-great-great grandfather was rumored to be a pirate. The family nods to that rumored tradition by naming every boy with a famous pirate's name. Like the famed Jean Lafitte, Jean Devereaux is full of mischief and adventure!