Is He Interested?

You don't want to waste too much of your precious time on a guy that's not even interested in you. If you need help figuring out whether he is or not, take this quiz!

Tags: Women, Guy, Couple, Love, Relationships

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Interested At All
It seems kind of strange that you're even taking this quiz because it's pretty obvious that this guy isn't interested in you in any way, shape, or form. It's time to move along and find someone that really wants to spend time with you.

Not Very Interested
This guy might be interested in you when there is absolutely nothing else, or nobody else, for him going on. It's not a fun place to be, and we are going to suggest you stop wasting your time with this fella.

Maybe A Little Interested
Either this situation is fresh still making it hard to determine if he's interested in you or not yet, or he still hasn't really figured it out himself. You can wait around for a while if you want, but we wouldn't suggest wasting too much more time.

Most Likely Interested as a Friend
The guy you are thinking of has some interest in you, but we're guessing based on your answers that it's probably just as a friend. There may be a possibility for something romantic down the road, but for now, you probably shouldn't push it too much and scare him off.

Very Interested in You
It's pretty clear that this guy is very interested in you! Everything he says and does is showing that he wants to get to know you better. It's not quite 100% yet, but you're not far away so it might just take a little more time together to get there.

100% Interested in You
Oh C'mon! You know this guy is 100% interested in you, or you probably should. Everything this guy does and says is done with you in mind. He's likely thinking of you right now and trying to figure out how to be close to you again. If you feel the same way, it might just be a match made in heaven!