Do I Look Italian?

Italians have a reputation for beauty so it would be great to look like one of them. The question is: Do your features look Italian? Take this quiz and find out!

Tags: Looks, Culture, Beauty

Here are all the results with descriptions

don't look even a tiny bit Italian
Well, from the physical description you gave, you seem like quite a beautiful person. You probably get complimented for your fine looks all the time. However, you don't look like anything like an Italian.

have a hint of Italian
From your physical description, it is evident that, in general, you do not look Italian. However, you do have a few features that seem slightly Italian. So whether it's an aquiline nose or an olive skin tone, embrace your Irish characteristics!

almost look Italian
From your physical description, it is evident that your overall look is not Italian. However, you have some features that seem to suggest Italian heritage. At a quick glance, someone might think you are Italian, but closer examination will reveal something different.

look like someone with mixed heritage
You definitely have some Italian features. However, you have some unique physical characteristics that seem to suggest more exotic origins. Probably you had an Italian ancestor or two in your distant past!

look pretty doggone Italian
Alright, you got it! The majority of your features have been associated with people from Italy. So if you ever go to Italy on vacation, you will probably be able to blend in pretty well with the locals.

look 100% Italian
Either you are Italian or you have some weirdly Italian genes floating around in your gene pool! Practically every single feature of your face, hair, and body fits the Irish profile. You are an Italian from head to foot!