Political Philosophy

In today's world, it can be difficult to know exactly where you stand politically. This quiz will tell you which generation your political beliefs fit best with.

Tags: Political, Politics, Philosophy, Personality, Generation

Here are all the results with descriptions

Generation Z
Generation Z is born from 1996 to today. This group has proven themselves to be activists. While there are people in that age group who are conservative for the most part Generation Z is made up of liberal democrats just like you!

Millennials were born between 1977 and 1995. Millennials quite frequently get a bad rap as being entitled. However, millennials have proven that they are innovative and tend to be considered liberals. This fits with your political views!

Generation X
Generation X was born between 1965 and 1976. Generation X-ers are known as latchkey kids and tend to be ignored as they fall between the much talked about Baby Boomers and Millennials. Generation X tends to fall in the middle of the political spectrum just as you do!

Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They are known for being hard working and for thinking the next generations aren't hard working enough. They tend to have conservative values which match up with yours!

Silent Generation
The Silent Generation was born in 1945 and before. They are sometimes forgotten about. They have very conservative values and tend to be Republican. This matches with your political beliefs and your views.

A Mix Of All Of Them
You don't really scream any one generation. You have some views that are conservative and others that are liberal. With that said though you stick to your convictions wholly which makes it very difficult to narrow down which generation fits you. You are unique!