Are You A Judgmental Person?

Wondering if you're a judgmental person? Worried you might be? Take this insightful quiz and find out right away before you make someone else feel bad!

Tags: Personality, Character, Feature, Personality-Traits, Opinion

Here are all the results with descriptions

Super Judgmental
You are the first to judge others, and you do it very often. Anyone who doesn't wear what you would wear, do things as you would, or react to things like you would is automatically considered very strange. And you're not afraid to say so. You also treat people accordingly. When you have something against someone, you treat them with disregard and disrespect. Time to turn the mirror on yourself and make some changes, right?

Slightly Judgmental
You are not the most judgmental person in the world, and certainly not the first to criticize out of your inner circle. You don't even criticize all the time, but when you do, you tend to do it to a degree. For instance, when your friend is busy criticizing someone you know, and you agree, you may say so, and even point one thing out, but then you'll be quiet about it and just let your friend do the judging for the remainder of the conversation.

Circumstantially Judgmental
You are judgmental SOMETIMES. That means that you're normally not, but when someone does something specific, you do tend to judge them for it. For instance, maybe you're easy going, but when you see someone vaping, you automatically judge them for essentially smoking. And you associate them with hipsters. This form of judgment is likely the result of having a bad experience with specific things or people.

Not Judgmental
You're all about living and letting others live. Whatever they want to do is fine. Whatever you want to do is fine. Everyone needs to just do whatever brings them joy and peace, because we only have one life to live. Good job not being a mean person!