Ethics Quiz

A few questions to determine what your ethics are like. Are you a truly ethical human being? See if the way you think of yourself rings true with the results.

Tags: Personality, Ethics, Living, Thinking, Reason

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Rule Follower
You live by the ethical rules that you have learned from your family and other influential figures in your life. It isn't hard for you to decide what's right or wrong because you have black and white attitudes towards ethics. For instance, if you learned lying is wrong, you never lie. You are likely to have a conservative personality, especially if you come from a traditional background.

A Pragmatist
You appreciate ethical rules like 'Do not lie, ' but you reevaluate them depending on the situation. If breaking ethical rules could have a positive result, then you are willing to do so, believing that the ends justify the means. Whether you are willing to break ethical rules for yourself or others depends on your values.

In your mind, the well-being of others is the most important outcome of all. You hold some ethical rules like 'Do not kill' in high esteem. Others, such as 'Do not lie, ' depend on how they impact other people. If lying or even stealing can help someone, you would do it. You tend to be giving and self-sacrificing.

You go through life to serve yourself. Ethical rules like 'Do not lie' don't really matter to you. You will break them for your own advantage. You're willing to do just about anything if you can get away with it. Essentially, other peoples' ethics just get in the way of you getting what you want.

A Hedonist
Your goal is to enjoy the good things in life. You might not be totally self-serving, but you also don't take ethical rules too seriously, since your priority is having a good time. For instance, you probably prefer going out and having fun to taking responsibility for your family.

A Visionary
You believe ethics are important, but you don't simply follow the ethical rules laid down by others - you create your own. You probably learned at a young age that the ethics the rest of society values aren't actually fair to everyone. You are willing to take 'the road less traveled' and prove to the world that ethics need to be constantly reevaluated.