How Annoying Am I?

Are you ever worried that you're being a super annoying person? Did someone call you annoying, and now you're wondering if they were right? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Personality, Annoying

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Exact Opposite Of Annoying
As long as you were honest with your answers here, there isn't a single thing that would make you an annoying person. You are probably very quiet, and you choose your words and actions carefully. People likely love being around you because of your calm and relaxing manner.

Not Really That Annoying
You really don't have that much going on that would make you annoying. There are a few traits that sneak out once in a while, but we all can't be perfect all of the time. Just be aware when you're getting on other people's nerves so you know what to stop doing.

Maybe Slightly Annoying
Annoying isn't something that you do all the time, but you definitely have your moments when you drive people around you up the wall. When you're starting to feel this mood coming on, maybe you should just spend some time alone.

Pretty Annoying
Those people that know you well enough would likely say that you're pretty annoying. You have your moments where you are tolerable, but most of the time you're driving people crazy. It's time to back off.

Very Annoying
We're going to rank you as someone that is very annoying, You aren't as bad as they get, but if you don't change your ways, you're going to be right up there at the top in no time. Stop bugging everyone!

As Annoying As They Come
There isn't a single person around you that is as annoying as you are. That's what your answers to these questions are telling us anyway. If you really are this annoying, you probably already know it. It's time to make some changes if you want to keep your friends.