Video Game Knowledge Quiz

Playing video games is a good way to stimulate your mind however if done without control can cement your title as the bum of the house who never gets off the sofa to interact with people. Are you a video game fanatic and can confidently play most of the games? Test out your video game character knowledge by taking up the test below.

Tags: Games, Video, Knowledge

Here are all the results with descriptions

No knowledge
You know absolutely nothing about video games. Try retaking this quiz once you earn some more about video games.

Slight knowledge
You might have played a few video games here or there but you still need to improve your knowledge.

Average knowledge
You know enough about video games to pass this quiz, but you are not a video game buff though.

Good knowledge
You did really well. You know a lot about video games.

Expert knowledge
You know everything there is to know about video games.