World War I

How well do you know the people, places, and events of the first World War? This challenging online trivia quiz will put your knowledge to the ultimate test.

Tags: World, War, History, Trivia

Here are all the results with descriptions

your knowledge is very poor
Well, this test was a bust. You weren't able to answer hardly any questions correctly. Fortunately, it's not to late to read more about WWI and try the test again. This website offers a free course: https://www. futurelearn. com/courses/ww1-lessons-legacy.

your knowledge is poor
Well, this test wasn't a success for you. You didn't answer very many questions correctly. Fortunately, it's not to late to read more about WWI and try the test again. This website offers a free course: https://www. futurelearn. com/courses/ww1-lessons-legacy.

your knowledge is middle of the road
You answered some of the basic questions correctly, but the challenging questions were too much for you. Fortunately, you can learn more about WWI by taking this free online course: https://www. futurelearn. com/courses/ww1-lessons-legacy.

your knowledge is slightly above average
It's clear you have studied World War I because you were able to answer all of the basic questions correctly. A few of the challenging questions stumped you, but you did a great job overall. You should be proud.

your knowledge is well above average
You know lots of facts about World War I because you were able to answer all of the basic questions correctly. Only a couple of the challenging questions stumped you, but you did a great job overall. You should be proud of yourself.

your knowledge is supreme
You should be proud of yourself! You knew all of the World War I facts, even the challenging ones. Do you know as much about the Renaissance and World War II? Test your knowledge with another of our fun trivia quizzes!