What Percent Philosophical Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Philosophical
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 100% philosophical. You've spent a great deal of time considering what it means to exist, matter, and find purpose in this world. You always tread lightly taking great care not to harm others leave scars in your path.

80% Philosophical
You are 80% philosophical! You're a deep person with a rich inner consciousness. You often ponder what it means to be moral, kind, and an overall good person. While you may not have all the answers on what it means to live well, you're well on your way.

50% Philosophical
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 50% philosophical! When you want to, you can spend gobs of time considering the nature of everything. From the existence of man to the nature of good and evil. You've spent plenty of time in your life pondering the great questions of existence.

40% Philosophical
Based on the results of this quiz you are 40% philosophical! You may not be the most philosophical person in the world, but you're deep and knowing when it truly matters. You don't live your life pondering existence, in fact, you live your life with a simple knowledge that you exist and that life should be treasured.

25% Philosophical
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 25% philosophical! While thinking deeply on philosophical concepts can be highly rewarding, you feel as if thinking too much can steal some of the enjoyment out of simply living life to the fullest. In your opinion, the highest form of philosophy is doing good and living well.