American Civil War

How much do you know about the War Between the States? Did you pay attention in school? Test your knowledge of the battle of North and South by taking this fun trivia quiz.

Tags: History, South, War, Spy, Battle

Here are all the results with descriptions

You know very little about the American Civil War. Now that you've seen the answers, you know quite a bit more. Use that new knowledge as a jumping off point to learning more! If you don't want to study actual textbooks, there are tons of movies!

A little
You know a little bit about the American Civil War, but not very much. You could learn more about it by reading novels set during the period or watching movies about it. Increase your knowledge of the Civil War - it still affects issues in the US.

About the Civil war
You know more than a little about the American Civil War but you don't know a lot. You know enough to have passed an American History class, just maybe not with flying colors. Delve deeper and learn more!

A lot
You aren't quite an expert on the American Civil War, but you're close! You were within just a couple of correct answers to the expert level. Since you know so much about the War Between the States, why not share your knowledge with your friends?

You are a complete expert on the American Civil War. You know just about everything there is to know about it! If you haven't already, you should visit some of the historic sites related to the war. Take someone with you and share your knowledge with them.