Berlin Wall Trivia

Do you think you know a lot about the Berlin Wall? If not, do you want to know more? Take this quiz and see which questions you know and get the answers to ones you don't!

Tags: History

Here are all the results with descriptions

Sorry, but you didn't do very well on this Berlin Wall trivia quiz. We can say better luck next time because now that you have the correct answers you WILL do better next time. You've learned a lot about the Berlin Wall and you can always learn more!

Only barely scored
If this were a bar trivia contest you wouldn't go home a winner. But, you do win the prize of knowing a lot more about the Berlin Wall than you did before you took the quiz! Now you might even know more about it than your friends!

Did okay
You didn't embarrass yourself but you didn't ace it either. That's okay, you did better than at least a third of other players. Now that you know the correct answers you can challenge your friends to a game of Berlin Wall trivia and beat them.

Did really well
You were only a few points shy of beating the Berlin Wall Trivia quiz! Were you old enough to remember when it fell? If not, you certainly paid attention in school. Now that you have the correct answers, if you retook the quiz you'd beat it like an expert!

Aced it
You are an expert on Berlin Wall Trivia! You must either have lived during that time or you really studied hard in history class. The Wall is still relevant today so make sure to share your knowledge with your friends!