Nobel Prize History

How much do you know about the history of the Nobel Prize? This fun online trivia quiz will give you a chance to prove your knowledge of the facts! Let's start now!

Tags: Nobel, Peace, Prize, History, Trivia

Here are all the results with descriptions

won't win any prize
Nice effort! You didn't already know a lot about the history of the Nobel Prize, but hopefully you were able to learn some interesting facts from the explanations of the right answers on this challenging online trivia quiz!

isn't very likely to win you a prize
Nice effort! Of course, you got most of the answers wrong, but hopefully you were able to learn some interesting facts from the explanations of the right answers on this challenging online Nobel Prize trivia quiz!

will win you very few prizes
Good try! Of course, you answered about half of the answers incorrectly, but hopefully you were able to learn some interesting new facts from the explanations of the right answers on this challenging online Nobel Prize trivia quiz!

may win you a prize
Nice try! There's no money prize for answering so many questions right on this challenging quiz about the history of the Nobel Prize, but your knowledge might come in handy on a trivia game show one day!

belongs on a game show
Come on down and claim your prize! You may hear these words one day if you keep learning trivia facts. If you think you know as much about other topics as you do the Nobel Peace Prize, try one of our other online history quizzes!

may win the grand prize on a game show
Congratulations, you win! These may be words you hear one day if you keep mastering trivia facts. Do you know as much about other subjects as you do the Nobel Peace Prize? Prove it by taking another one of our online trivia quizzes!