How Demanding Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Very Demanding
When you want something, you want it that second and you make sure others know. You're not afraid to let your feelings be known and if you have to be loud and commanding to get something done then so be it.

Pretty Demanding
You can't help but get a bit demanding when you really want something. You have a loud voice and sometimes you forget to filter what you say. You have great leadership skills and that loudness definitely comes in handy.

Somewhat Demanding
You're not very vocal when you want something unless it happens to be something important. You believe that if you want something done right, it's best to do it yourself. You can be pretty loud when it's called for.

Not At All Demanding
You don't like to demand things from others and so you usually keep quiet about your requests. You're a mild-mannered and rather reserved individual who keeps opinions to themselves.