How Savage Are You?

Has anyone ever accused you of not having any heart? You say and do what you want, no matter what happens as a result. If that sounds like you, you could be a real savage. Find out by taking this quiz!

Tags: Beast, Personality, Demon, Mean, Nasty

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Savage At All
You don't have a savage bone in your body! Everything you do is right and pure, and you would never even think about harming someone as a result of your behavior. The way we see it, you're more of a saint!

Not Very Savage
There may have been a few times in your life that you acted like a savage, but that's not really who you are in the inside. You're careful with how you talk to others, and you would never do something that would hurt another's feelings.

Slightly Savage
You aren't downright savage, but you know when someone is trying to walk all over you, and you aren't standing for that either. If you have to get slightly harsh once in a while to make sure you aren't the butt of the jokes, you have no problem doing so.

A Little Savage
You are a little savage, but you're also a very kind and innocent person when you want to be too. It's like you have a switch that you can flip back and forth to fit into whatever situation you find yourself in. That's not something everyone can do easily, but you've done it!

Pretty Savage
Holy smokes you are a pretty savage individual, aren't you? ! People probably know that you're the friend that doesn't have much of a filter between your brain and your mouth. Even if you aren't trying to be that way, it's just who you are.

A True Savage
When they put savage in the dictionary, they should put your picture next to it. You would steal from your own mother and would still get a good night's sleep. It's almost kind of scary. Do you have any friends at all?