How Canadian Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Canadian
You are 100% Canadian! In fact, you're as Canadian as hockey, maple syrup, poutine, and mounties. You're a big fan of cold weather, sports, and spending time with those you love most. Some might accuse you of being a bit too nice, but we know you wouldn't want to live your life in any other way!

70% Canadian
You are 70% Canadian! Not only do we suspect that you've used the snow as your own personal beer cooler on more than one occasion, but we suspect you're as Canadian as hockey and maple syrup! In your opinion, there's nothing a big bowl of poutine, a beer, and a chocolate glazed doughnut can't fix.

50% Canadian
You're 50% Canadian! Sure, you're lousy on a pair of skates and hockey isn't your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean you don't have a little Canada in you! As someone who is often described as being "too nice" or "too polite" you know that being Canadian often means apologizing even if you didn't do anything wrong. You think Tim Horton's is the best and you simply can't get over just how comforting a bowl of poutine really is!

30% Canadian
You are 30% Canadian! Alright, so you don't have much Canadian in you at all. While you may not be a hockey fan or know what Tim Horton's is, you do have one thing in common with most Canadians: you're as nice and polite as they come!

10% Canadian
You are 10% Canadian! This quiz revealed that you don't have any Canadian in you whatsoever. Sure, you might like to catch a hockey game sometimes and your pancakes are always slathered in syrup, but you're much too outspoken and audacious to truly be one with Canada!