How To Start A Conversation?

Wondering how to start a conversation? Could be with someone you don't know. . . Or it could be with someone you know very well! Or even someone whom you've known for a while, but don't actively talk to.

Tags: Social-Interactions, Social, Personality, Character, Character-Traits

Here are all the results with descriptions

Remember What You've Heard
Let's be honest: everyone talks about everyone else behind their back. Even in a positive way! Romantic partners are especially guilty, sharing details of the day, and informing the other of what's going on with so-and-so. So, use that! Remember what you've heard about the person (the positive), and build a conversation off of that!

Find Common Ground
It's impossible to connect with someone if you don't have anything in common. So, try to find something. Maybe ask their partner, or your partner, if they know them more. Or if you're invited to their house, check out their home. Maybe they have some coffee table books, or an art collection that hints at what they find interesting. Build a conversation off of that.

Keep It Light, For Now
Sometimes, you're left with nothing but light, useless chatter. Think 'Crazy weather these days, huh? ' It may seem mundane, and it certainly is, but you can use this to your advantage still. Rather than just focus on the light topics, you can pay extra close attention to any details they happen to share about other things, like maybe they had a tough time getting to work because of snow. What do they do? Do they like it? You have experience in the field, maybe?