How Vintage Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Vintage
You definitely have a taste for old-fashioned things. You're a classy person who finds love in old trends and fads. You have a nostalgia for the older eras and you make sure to show that through your outfits. You wish nothing more than to go back in time and be in a different decade.

85% Vintage
You are totally vintage and you're not afraid to show it! You love to dress up in old-fashioned ways as you think the styles are just great. You loved how everything was in the past and you wish it was still the same.

65% Vintage
You love the past and you long for it quite a bit. You don't dress totally old-fashioned but instead you incorporate little vintage accessories here and there. You still hold on to the past and you're nostalgic for it.

43% Vintage
You're not a very vintage person but you do have a love for some old-fashioned things. Your style is a mix of modern and vintage and you rock it well. While you have a respect for vintage things, you don't long for the past.

15% Vintage
You're not very vintage at all. The old-fashioned style and ways is something that never really appealed to you. You like a more modern take on life and you can't wait to see what the future holds.