Here are all the results with descriptions
Go Back to School
You dislike your job, and you're not about to deny that the only way to move on up from jobs like this is to get a degree. Now, either you don't have one, and therefore, you should go to school and earn one. . . Or you already have one and you're not using it to its potential. It may have also been a long time since you graduated. So maybe go back as a refresher course, to get an Associate's in something helpful? Pairing that with your previous degree gives you an edge. And a portfolio!
Leave Your Job For A Better One
You don't need to spend tons of money to better your career. You may already have a degree, and even be using it right now, in your current job. So that's not the issue here. The issue is your place of employment. It's tiresome, annoying, and just plain frustrating. You're stressed, and angry, and it's affecting your life. You need to be looking for another employer, either doing the same things you're doing now, if you like that, or doing something completely different.
Save Up, Quit, And Think
You are a bit lost at sea. You don't know whether you want to go back to school. You don't know if you like your chosen career path. And you don't really know what will bring you joy. All you know is you've been going through the motions and now you're empty. So save up as much as you can, penny pinch wherever possible, and then quit. Walk away. And use a week or two to just think about what it is you want and why. Then look for something that meets those needs.