How South Carolinian Are You?

South Cackalacky anyone?

Tags: State, United-States, Lifestyle, Geography

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% South Carolinian
You are so South Carolinian. You're traditional, friendly, and you like to keep it simple. You love warm weather, tailgates, days on the lake, and lifelong friendships. You think the world needs to calm down a bit these days with everything needing to be PC, let's all just relax a little, right?

90% South Carolinian
You are pretty darn South Carolinian. You like southern food, a good cold beer, and a nice night to sit on the porch. Life doesn't need to be so complicated, and you're happy with what you have. You're not 'in your face' southern, but you do have all the qualities for a true South Carolinian.

75% South Carolinian
You're a South Carolinian-in-Training. You're everything good about South Carolina without some of the questionable traits that give the state a bad name. You're friendly but not two-faced, you know how to have a good time and work hard, you like watching sports but not to the extreme. You fit right in in this southern state, but maybe you don't want to live there.

50% South Carolinian
You're a Wannabe South Carolinian. You know how to enjoy a good tailgate, but you would never have considered going to college with half of your high school graduating class, or joining a fraternity or sorority, and you've been to a field party but it wasn't exactly your favorite thing about high school. Take a visit to SC, but I wouldn't suggest setting up camp.

20% South Carolinian
You're not very South Carolinian at all, but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate some good southern hospitality and southern charm! You'd enjoy a short visit to have some good southern food, enjoy the beautiful weather, and maybe hit a lake or a beach. But you wouldn't want to stay too long, trust me.

1% South Carolinian
South Carolina? No thank you. You are not South Carolinian at all. Thank goodness, right? You're sure the state has a few nice cities, but you're just not too keen on taking a trip back in time to a state that fought to keep the confederate flag on display not that long ago. You'd just as soon steer clear of that entire area of the country, and we don't blame you.