Am I A Perfectionist?

When you walk into your house or your bedroom, can you tell instantly if there's something out of place? Do you like everything in your life to be 'just so. ' It could mean that you're a perfectionist. Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Personality, Perfectionist, Idealist, Perfect

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not A Perfectionist At All
Everything in your life could be entirely out of whack, and it wouldn't bother you in the slightest bit. You don't care about things being a certain way or plans working out. It is what it is, and you don't waste your time dwelling on it. It doesn't mean that you don't care about anything. It just means that you accept it for what it is. What a great attitude!

Not Much Of A Perfectionist
You might have a couple of things in your world that you're particular about, but you aren't someone that has to make sure that everything is perfect all the time. You don't waste much energy on the details. You are more of a go with the flow type, and people likely love that about you.

A Little Bit Of A Perfectionist
There are some things that you have to have perfect like you won't let your car get dirty or maybe fingerprints on a mirror drive your crazy. If it isn't one of the particulars though, it doesn't bother you. That's why you're just a little bit of a perfectionist.

Getting Closer To Being A Perfectionist
It might be something that has somewhat developed over time, but based off of your answers, we're going to say that you're getting closer to being a perfectionist. Sometimes it comes with age and experience. You know what you want and you're not settling for anything less. It's likely fine right now. Just don't let it get out of control.

Almost A Pure Perfectionist
There isn't much that you do that isn't completely flawless each and every time. You're almost a pure perfectionist, but there's still a few things that don't seem to get you too riled up if they aren't exactly the way they should be. It won't be long though, and that's likely to change.

An Absolute Perfectionist
You are absolutely a perfectionist. No questions asked there. Everything in your world has to be a certain way at all times or you're not a happy camper. It sounds pretty exhausting spending so much time and energy on stuff that likely doesn't matter that much in the long run. Maybe you could start picking and choosing and letting some stuff slide. Try it and see. You never know!