Proverbs And Sayings Quiz

However you are feeling, whatever you are doing, there is a proverb or saying to match that. They are the best source of motivation, and they have the power to transform your thoughts and beliefs. So, how much do you really know about some of the most famous proverbs and sayings? Take this quiz to find out!

Tags: Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

poor knowledge of proverbs and sayings
You got only a handful of the questions right, which means you perhaps rushed through them or you really don't know what the proverbs and sayings mean. We recommend you expand your knowledge by reading more online. Famous quotes and sayings come in handy in a lot of circumstances in life, and if you know their meanings, you can apply them to yourself, too!

average knowledge of proverbs and sayings
You got several questions correct, but there is a lot more homework you need to do to ace this game! One tip is to try and use a variety of proverbs and sayings during a general conversation with friends and family. Doing this will make it sound more natural but avoid misquoting or you may end up offending a loved one!

good knowledge of proverbs and sayings
You did fairly well than most of the others who take this quiz. You definitely know more than just the basics of common proverbs and sayings and what they mean. Try and use them while writing your experiences and you will find yourself in the comfortable zone sooner than later. Good job!

expert knowledge of proverbs and sayings
You really know it all! Your knowledge of proverbs and sayings is excellent and you pay really close attention to the age-old sayings! You likely give advice to others only after fully assessing and understanding the situation. Have you considered being a life coach?