What Is Your Quirk?

What is that one thing you do that makes you stand out? Is it even a thing? Maybe it's an entire attitude. Find out what your quirk is by taking this quiz!

Tags: Woman, Man, Boy, Girl, Adult, Child, Quirky, Weird, Unique, Trait

Here are all the results with descriptions

Being mean to inanimate objects
You just can't control your mouth when it comes to berating the leg of the couch that stubbed your toe or cussing out the shower when the water won't get hot fast enough. If life were cartoons, you'd be surrounded by frowning furniture with hurt feelings.

Stepping on crunchy things
You like to hear or feel that crunch of a leaf or acorn underfoot. Even better? That slight crusty layer of ice over snow. IT MUST BE DESTROYED. Bubble wrap has no hope around you. Ah, but when the leaf doesn't crunch or the bubble wrap just smushes, it's heartbreaking.

You're a superstar
In the shower . . . You have an AMAZING voice in the acoustics of your bathroom. Not to mention stage presence. It's too bad you're not bringing that to the real stage. Get out there and shine! You know that rocker's voice you can't stand? Yeah, your voice is better.

You have a thing about numbers
Maybe your thing is that numbers should be even - like when you're pumping gas and it goes over 20. 02 when you aren't looking so now you have to go all the way to $21. 00 even. Or maybe you can't stand even numbers and you have to set the microwave to 33 seconds instead of 30. Whatever it is, you get weird when it comes to numbers.

Are still afraid of what's in the closet or under the bed
Most people get over this after age five. Okay, truthfully now, by age 14 or whenever they put the stuffed animals in the memorabilia box in the attic. But you? It creeps you out to go to bed with the closet door cracked and you don't want to lay in the dark thinking about what might be under the bed.

Liking bad smells
Your quirk might be as innocent as liking the smell of permanent markers, or as weird as liking the smell of skunks or gasoline. Not that you're a huffer or anything like that. But, weird smells smell good to you in a weird way. You probably wouldn't say they're good smells, but you take a longer whiff than most people anyway.