What Class Am I?

Talking about money and class can sometimes seem uncouth but this quiz is just for fun! Take this quiz and you can discover which class you fall in to!

Tags: Class, Living, Personality, Life

Here are all the results with descriptions

Lowest Class
You are really struggling when it comes to money but that doesn't mean you can't be happy. Just keep working hard and continue to grow and you may be surprised at all the opportunities that will come your way.

Lower Middle Class
You sometimes struggle to pay your bills, but at least you're still making it. Sometimes it may feel like you work so hard and nothing amounts from it, but the truth is you're actually a lot happier than most folks because you know what it means to persevere.

Middle Class
You are a part of the true middle class. You work very hard for your money and even though you struggle sometimes you are doing well for yourself. This may be a tough time for the middle class but you are even tougher!

Upper Middle Class
You don't struggle to pay the bills but you also can't just blow your money whenever you want. You work hard for what you've got and you're very proud that you know where your next meal is coming from and that you have a bit of a safety net.

High Class
You have got money. You like the finer things and you don't mind dropping some dough to get whatever it is you want. Remember that there are other people out there that are struggling that you have the ability to help!

You are in the highest of high class. You don't have to worry about money, food, or education. Feel free to help out people from lower classes you will be amazed at how good it feels to help others out!